...The untouchables are still searching for their crimes which caused this exclusion forcing them to use the water shared by animals. Nobody is coming forward with any proof. However, the untouchables dare not approach the village wells not meant for them as few splattered brains here and there do not matter. Few bloodstained bodies lying here and there on the ground assure the high castes of their superiority and purity of their
Few people going without water is immaterial; dharma is supreme.
This infallible and supreme dharma suddenly developed paralysis when faced Muslim invaders and British colonizers. It immediately went into a mode of capitulation and submissive, egoless cooperation with such adharmic people – the cow-eaters. The superiority mingled with earth and nobody objected but everybody objected to the use of village well by untouchables; perfectly logical; only the armless people with half filled bellies could be shown dharma but not the adharmic people backed with full armies. The village well cannot be used by untouchables though the dharma can be buried under the feet of Muslims and British. The priorities were clear-cut; rule of dharma in case of untouchables and rule of foreigners in case of Muslims and British; a clean and crystal clear piece of thinking; knowing which side of the bread was buttered; bending with the wind and hunting the hare...