...There three specific ways prescribed to attain Moksha, Gyan Marg, Karma Marg and Bhakti Marg.
In Gyan Marg which is the knowledge path to salvation, a man can achieve Moksha by gaining the knowledge that the soul and Nirguna Bruhm are non-different to each other as told in non-dualism or Advaitvad. There is no need to die to achieve Moksha and there will be no next birth. This kind of Moksha is available only to Bruhm Gyanis who can only belong to three threaded Varnas. Shudras are not eligible for achieving Moksha in this way.
In Karma Marg (or path of action) which is propagated in world renowned Gita, a man can achieve Moksha by following the Karma related to his Varna which is known there as Swa-dharma. Here all the Varnas are eligible for achieving Moksha provided they follow swa-dharma. The untouchables are not included. Here somebody is allowed Moksha because following Swa-Varna-dharma-Karma is following divinely ordained order of the society. Therefore anybody following God’s desired social order is helping the God in his work. This makes him eligible to attain Moksha. However a Shudra who is desirous of raising his standard of living by leaving his Varna dharma and following the dharma of higher Varna is not eligible for Moksha. For example a potter cannot achieve Moksha by studying Vedas; only a Brahman can achieve Moksha by studying Vedas. All the Shudras have to stick to their heredity profession.
In Bhakti Marg or path of devotion to attain Moksha, a devotee is eligible to attain Moksha through intense devotion. This follows from Saguna Bruhm School. Lord Vishnu represents Saguna Bruhm in this world and can grant Moksha to a devotee if pleased with his devotion. The Bhakti movement had Gurus from various castes. Incidentally the followers of each Guru usually came from the caste equivalent to him or from the castes lower down the scale. It is difficult to find the followers of a Guru who belong to higher Varna than him. It would have been totally adharmic subordination that goes contrary to Varna dharma. Varna dharma appears everywhere. None of the untouchable saints of Bhakti movement were eligible to enter any of the temples; the practice of untouchability continued with the spread of spirituality....
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Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Spirituality - 5
....However we have to see that why Moksha is necessary? Basic to Hindu society are scriptures, caste system, and concept of soul, the Absolute God, the Karma theory and Hindu pantheon. An eternal cycle of birth and death and rebirth goes on and on in this world. The indestructible soul keeps on moving from one body to another with each rebirth. And in between two births it keeps on wondering in this universe. The problem is created by the sufferings in this physical world. Anybody who enters this world has to suffer from body and mental pains. This world and the lives are overflowing with pain and sorrow. The pain of not having enough to eat., the worry of safety to body, the pain of losing one’s relatives and near and dear ones, the pain of sickness, the pain of wound, the accidents, the death etc. And the final pain is the pain and fear of one’s own death. It is a never ending chain of pain and sorrow. And basically everybody wants to live a painless, sorrowless and comfortable life. Everybody is bound by Karma so he has to suffer from his share of sorrow and pain. Secondly if everybody tried to find out the solution to his sufferings in this life then this will result in corruption of dharma. The social order or Varna dharma will break down. Now a man is in search of peace or getting rid of all his sufferings and sorrows; it is quite reasonable also. The theory of Karma implies that a man would never get peace in his lifetime. So the only way to get rid of the pain is to get out of the cycle of birth and rebirth. Again rebirth means another round of sorrows and pains. If rebirth could be avoided then all the pain could be avoided. This is possible only when soul loses its existence. The only way to have peaceful existence is to not to have any existence at all. How could something indestructible lose its existence? According to Hindu spiritual thought a soul can lose its existence only by merging with the Absolute or Bruhm. To a lay Hindu it is a permanent visit to Vaikunthdham, the abode of Lord Vishnu who represents Bruhm in this world. It is a one way ticket. This unification of soul with Bruhm is called Moksha or salvation. After this unification the soul leaves the painful cycle of birth and rebirth and lives eternally in eternal bliss in Bruhm or Bruhmlok. The mere thought that his soul will keep on wondering in this painful world forever can be quite unsettling to a devout Hindu and then he aims to achieve Moksha. It is a thoughtful way of keeping a Hindu man bound with his Varna dharma and still be hopeful. The hope is grandly deferred to next life or to unseen future of somebody else. In Hindu scriptures everybody is asked to follow properly his Varna dharma to improve his next birth; there is always hope but shifted to next birth. This hope is actually never available to anybody; this is real mirage. It is a result of fantastic thinking of Vedantic seers....
insensitive Spirituality
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Spirituality - 4
...Here one thing is not clear that who performs the deeds. Surely an individual performs the deeds. Does the body or the soul perform them? The deeds are performed either by the body or by the soul. Let us consider the case where the deeds are performed by the body. In this case the body should be punished for the deeds performed by it in the past life. The body in each birth is new; it is unrelated to previous birth. Both the bodies are separated by time. In such a situation the body is punished for the crimes committed by a different body. Thus the present body has not committed the crimes it is being punished for. The previous life’s crimes were committed by an already extinct body. Thus the divine punishment according to theory of Karma is wrong. You cannot punish a body for the crimes it never committed. Forget about crimes the new body has yet to produce any karma.
Let us consider the second case where the crimes are committed by the soul, the indestructible one. It can only perform any action through body but that is also not possible since soul is not brain. A soul which has left the body cannot perform any action. It can keep wondering about in the world until it acquires a body to perform some action. However let us assume the soul has performed the crimes through a body in previous life. So by taking birth in painful life the soul is punished. But the soul by its nature cannot be punished. There is no way in which it can be punished. The soul is indestructible so it cannot be destroyed. It cannot be hurt so hurting does not imply punishing it. It cannot be burnt, cut or killed. It is immune to everything, including pain and pleasure. So actually by punishing soul nobody is really punished. Actually it is the body which gets punished and which never committed the past deeds. Thus the divine justice system enshrined in Karma theory does not really punish the really real guilty. It gets its victims in Varna dharma; at its bottom. It is a concept devised to absolve the lawmakers, the Brahmans, of their sins. If it holds good which it is supposed to then it absolves the Brahmans of their crimes and the atrocities that have been committed under their eternal guidance. It also absolves them of crime of practicing untouchability. Simultaneously it absolves the Muslim invaders of the atrocities committed on the Hindus. The Hindus suffered under Muslim rulers due to their bad Karmas. Similarly any oppressor can be absolved of his sins since the victims suffered due to their Karmas of past lives. Therefore Genghis Khan stands absolved. It is all in the Karma; the individuals do not matter, the soul does. The Karma theory also grandly fails in the case of genocide of Jews in Second World War. If it is not applicable there then it does not have general applicability...
Let us consider the second case where the crimes are committed by the soul, the indestructible one. It can only perform any action through body but that is also not possible since soul is not brain. A soul which has left the body cannot perform any action. It can keep wondering about in the world until it acquires a body to perform some action. However let us assume the soul has performed the crimes through a body in previous life. So by taking birth in painful life the soul is punished. But the soul by its nature cannot be punished. There is no way in which it can be punished. The soul is indestructible so it cannot be destroyed. It cannot be hurt so hurting does not imply punishing it. It cannot be burnt, cut or killed. It is immune to everything, including pain and pleasure. So actually by punishing soul nobody is really punished. Actually it is the body which gets punished and which never committed the past deeds. Thus the divine justice system enshrined in Karma theory does not really punish the really real guilty. It gets its victims in Varna dharma; at its bottom. It is a concept devised to absolve the lawmakers, the Brahmans, of their sins. If it holds good which it is supposed to then it absolves the Brahmans of their crimes and the atrocities that have been committed under their eternal guidance. It also absolves them of crime of practicing untouchability. Simultaneously it absolves the Muslim invaders of the atrocities committed on the Hindus. The Hindus suffered under Muslim rulers due to their bad Karmas. Similarly any oppressor can be absolved of his sins since the victims suffered due to their Karmas of past lives. Therefore Genghis Khan stands absolved. It is all in the Karma; the individuals do not matter, the soul does. The Karma theory also grandly fails in the case of genocide of Jews in Second World War. If it is not applicable there then it does not have general applicability...
insensitive Spirituality
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