A further important point is raised by the upper caste candidates. Why should they suffer for the wrongs committed by their forefathers? A point indeed - nobody should suffer for the crimes not committed by him. The justice demands it. Additionally it is perfectly logical. If it is not logic on their side then it is great cultural heritage. They always find something to fall back upon, very resourceful people. However the point raised by them, is very reasonable. The present generation of upper castes should not be punished for the ghastly crimes committed by their dastardly ancestors. Oh sorry – they should not be punished for the small trivial acts of their esteemed, intelligent, moral, spiritual, ethical, honest, pious and pure ancestors who have left a great cultural heritage for their future generations.
However through this argument they disown their own forefathers. They are disassociating themselves from their ancestors. This kind of disassociation is not allowed by Hindu society. A Chamar is always a Chamar since his forefathers were Chamars. A Bhangi is always a Bhangi since his forefathers were Bhangis. It is ordained by the Hindu society. The Indian Constitutions forbids it but that hardly matters. If a Chamars wants to disown his forefathers then he is not allowed, barring few exceptions. If a Bhangi wants to disown his forefather then he is not allowed so. His identity will always be that of his forefathers. Now the pillars of the society want the privilege of disowning the forefathers for themselves. Sure they will have to suffer for thousands of years in hell for disowning their forefathers but that is none of our concern. They want to cut themselves off from their ancestors’ atrocities but still enjoy the facilities provided by the foundation created and resources accumulated by their ancestors because of their privileged caste positions. Actually it is part of great civilization with its great cultural heritage. This great cultural heritage always seems to have benefited the castes at the top. It dislikes lower two strata. And even goes hating and making some people untouchables. The present generations of upper castes do not want to be known as the inheritors of oppressors, tormentors, killers and permanent exploiters.
However through this argument they disown their own forefathers. They are disassociating themselves from their ancestors. This kind of disassociation is not allowed by Hindu society. A Chamar is always a Chamar since his forefathers were Chamars. A Bhangi is always a Bhangi since his forefathers were Bhangis. It is ordained by the Hindu society. The Indian Constitutions forbids it but that hardly matters. If a Chamars wants to disown his forefathers then he is not allowed, barring few exceptions. If a Bhangi wants to disown his forefather then he is not allowed so. His identity will always be that of his forefathers. Now the pillars of the society want the privilege of disowning the forefathers for themselves. Sure they will have to suffer for thousands of years in hell for disowning their forefathers but that is none of our concern. They want to cut themselves off from their ancestors’ atrocities but still enjoy the facilities provided by the foundation created and resources accumulated by their ancestors because of their privileged caste positions. Actually it is part of great civilization with its great cultural heritage. This great cultural heritage always seems to have benefited the castes at the top. It dislikes lower two strata. And even goes hating and making some people untouchables. The present generations of upper castes do not want to be known as the inheritors of oppressors, tormentors, killers and permanent exploiters.