I said in my book that the Rig Veda was rigged and the same language appears

"Hinduism… Do you think that the Rig Veda was rigged?"
Is it merely a coincidence

One reader says-
".....I admire you for your great work."

Another reader says -
"..........it will benefit many people....."

one of the well wisher has uploaded my book on filestube

and here also

Professor Stiglitz (Noble Prize winner on Tunisia )
"Everyone stresses the rule of law, but it matters a great deal what kind of rule of law is established. "
Deep thoughts !
Any comments from people who insist on great Indian culture, culture and heritage which should be adhered to?

Professor Stiglitz (Noble prize winner) about Tunisia
"how far beyond the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the country should go in writing its new constitution."

Is it possible to think going beyond Human Rights Declaration?
Is there any other way?
Its there
I have shown in my book


"Abdelrahman Hassan told his 9-year-old sister not to cry when he left his home in Alexandria to join the Cairo protests entering what may be their decisive phase.

"I hugged her a lot this morning. I told her I'm going to protect our future because they stole it before and they will do it again," the 28-year-old therapist said in the capital's Tahrir Square."

from page 401 of my book
"That only means that their rights have been stolen. And who can
steal the rights? Only the lawmakers could do it."

same basic idea in two different places!

Another coincidence -
"In Benghazi, Libya's second city, one cartoon on the wall of a state building portrays the Libyan leader as "Super Thief""
In My book on page 403-404
"These lawmakers, the Brahmans, are the people responsible
for resulting in stolen rights. They did it by creating the divine origin
of scriptures composed by them and making people to believe this

divine origin of scriptures. They embedded the laws in scriptures in
the form of functions. And knowing the statecraft did help. Thus,
they are the permanent and traditional thieves of the rights. Swindlers
and thieves - these are the right words to describe them

and also
""Ben Ali's regime stole everything. They had no heart and ignored us poor," said one of the men, who identified himself only as Khaled, 57. "
another coincidence ?
concept of stealing by lawmakers and rulers just goes on!!!

These sentences are not given in blog .
For these you will have to download the book
the available on scribd also

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Village - 11

...And should an untouchable desire to dress him well? The heavens would fall. It would be quite contrary to dharmic ways. An untouchable is supposed to talk, walk, wear, eat, sleep and behave his jati. All his acts should be in perfect alignment with his lowest status in the society. It is quite painful and mentally unstabilizing for an upper caste to see an untouchable getting out of this alignment. Perfect geometry of alignment has to be maintained. Harmony is harmony no matter what. The way of living of an untouchable should be in harmony with his insulting status. Otherwise it makes high castes emotional wrecks. It makes them angry with a perfect degree of righteousness. It is sufficient to send them in a maniacal mind set causing destruction to untouchables and their huts. Nobody can ever accuse them of not being geometrical and. they cannot also be accused of not believing in harmony. The upper castes do not see any meaning in seeing a well-dressed untouchable. They think it is purposeless and the particular untouchable is aspiring for too much; getting out of alignment of dharmic social structure. It is an affront to their dignity. Any untouchable ought to be satisfied with getting two square meals a day; filling his belly should be the highest ambition for him. That is the limit imposed on him by Varna dharma. If he is dressing himself well then he is crossing the ethical limits; it is unethical to hurt the dignity of higher castes; no dharma-abiding untouchable should do it. It is demeaning for higher castes to see a polluted man going around the village in decent clothes. By wearing decent clothes he is being indecent to others. The decency incorporates indecency. The honor of untouchables implies dishonor of high castes. And dishonor of untouchables means honor of high castes. Some untouchable has been indecent enough to wear decent clothes. Now he has to be fixed for that. His forefathers never dared to do it. No high caste can bear such social indecency; it is a matter of honor. The untouchables were never in a position to face the wrath of upper castes and they are still not. It is not for him to fill the gap in clothing between him and the upper castes; he is supposed to know his wretched place. He shall not dare to come out of his wretchedness. Otherwise breaking few bones of such a recalcitrant untouchable is quite satisfactory to righteously, morally and ethically superior high castes. Thrashing badly an untouchable is like thrashing the wheat...

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